Commercial Property Lawyer Joins

Posted: Wednesday, 3 February 2010 @ 10:12

Belatedly, in the Blog anyway, I'd like to welcome on board Commercial Property Solicitor Paul Harrison.

Paul joins us from a firm with offices in Milton Keynes and Northampton and from his own Northampton base will provide legal advice to business and property owners thoughout the Midlands.

Paul, who joins Steve Petty in our Commercial Property Team acts for a wide range of property owners and occupiers.  He's especially experienced in: 

  • Advising on all aspects of acquiring and disposing of property
  • Acting for both landlord and tenant clients with lease negotiations and renewals
  • Working closely with property developers
  • Dealing with the management of property
  • Sale and purchase of all types of businesses but with a particular expertise in pubs, hotels and restaurants

Paul has already published some of his top tips for all premises owners in our January ezine and no doubt he'll continue to share his property wisdom via the Blog.

Gary Cousins
Cousins Business Law

For free advice on this topic please call us on 0845 003 5639.

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