Would you like a bungalow in your back garden?

Posted: Monday, 18 August 2008 @ 16:19

It's been pretty commonplace over the last ten years for people to sell off part of their back garden to a property developer.

With the construction of new homes effectively mothballed at the moment, you might be forgiven for thinking that you've missed the boat if you are keen to sell off some surplus garden land.

The good news is that developers specialising in certain types of property are still in the market for land and one such area is bungalows. This market is holding up rather better than other parts of the market as the typical buyer tends to require either no mortgage or a only a small mortgage and there are often compelling health reasons why someone needs to buy a bungalow which override market conditions.

One advantage of selling garden land for the construction of a bungalow is that you're own house won't be overlooked by the new property. Another bonus is the typical purchaser of a new bungalow tends to make a great addition to the local neighbourhood watch scheme

If you have garden land that is surplus to requirements and you are based in the West Midlands or Warwickshire then contact commercial property lawyer, Steven Petty, on 01926 629005.

** Update - It looks as though back garden development may be on the way out **

Steve Petty, Commercial Property Solicitor

For free advice on this topic please call us on 0845 003 5639.

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