Time Limit For Implementing Planning Permissions Can Now Be Extended

Posted: Friday, 2 October 2009 @ 11:58

Following a change to planning rules which took effect on 30 September, developers can now extend their existing planning permissions to give them more time to weather the economic downturn.

Developers with planning permissions granted up until 30 September 2009 where the time limit for implementation has yet to expire may apply to extend their permissions. The move has been made to boost the industry and to save costs for developers badly hit by the recession. Many developers have put projects on hold over the last year because of difficulties faced in raising the funds.

The option of extending a planning permission, without having to re-apply through the usual lengthy and expensive process, will help development and regeneration projects to take place. Although there are still forms to be filled out, they are a much simplified version of the standard application forms and no plans or drawings will have to be provided, hence cutting costs even further.

Currently, the application fee for the extended permission will be the same as for a new permission, but this is likely to be substantially reduced later in the year.

Other changes being put in place include the possibility of applying for non-material changes to be made to an extant planning permission, and the possibility of making a minor material amendment application where there is an existing condition which lists the plans or particular aspects of the development to which a minor material amendment is proposed.

Steven Petty, Commercial Property Solicitor

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