Posted: Friday, 1 April 2011 @ 16:11
Licensing Reforms
We are all waiting for the government's so called "rebalancing" of the Licensing Act, which will involve some fundamental changes to licensing law. The changes are in the Police Reform and Social Responsibility Bill, currently on its way through Parliament. It is good to hear today via the Morning Advertiser, that the outgoing chairman of the Asosociation of Licensed Mulitple Retailers (AMLR), Tim Sykes, has made a strong attack on the reforms as delivering "solutions where no problem exists, or where the solution to the problem lies with society and individuals themselves". Here here! Discuss!!
There was no cheer for the trade when the Chancellor announced in his budget on 23 March that he was sticking to the alcohol duty escalator which will see beer and cider duty go up by a further 7.2% . As reported in the Morning Advertiser, the Managing Director of Heieken UK reacted by noting this will amount to a 35% increaase over the past 3 years, "bad news for beer and pubs, already reeling from the VAT increase and above inflation rise on goods and raw materials".
Foreign Satellite TV
Now some good news! In an earlier blog I mentioned the strong likelihood that the European Court of Justice will rule that the use of foreign satellite transmissions (coming from another member state) in the European Union was anti-competitive and cannot be restricted. While we wait for confirmation we have the news that the High Court has quashed a conviction by a magistrates' court, upheld by a Crown Court, as they had not considered the European law. So it could be said that the European Court is the friend of the pub!!!
Royal Wedding
Yet more good news, and not just about the happy couple! The Licensing Hours Order has been approved and this will allow the on-trade to sell alcohol until 1 am on the Saturday morning, 30April, and Sunday morning 1 May. It will also automatically allow late night refreshment on the premises during the additional hours, as well entertainment. So three cheers to William and Kate!
Nigel Musgrove
Licensing Law Specialist
Tel: 0845 003 5639
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