Isn't that a type of fish?

Posted: Tuesday, 22 July 2008 @ 16:46

You'd be forgiven for asking that question the first time you hear about BREEAM. It is, in fact, the Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method (no wonder they use an acronym).

BREEAM is the world's most widely used environmental assessment method for buildings. BREEAM assesses buildings against a set criteria and provides an overall score which will fall within a band providing either a PASS, GOOD, VERY GOOD or EXCELLENT rating.

It ties in with the Code For Sustainable Homes which is based on and replaces BRE's Ecohomes (a version of BREEAM for homes).

As environmental assessment becomes ever more important, expect to hear a lot more about BREEAM. A number of bodies including English Partnerships, the Department for Children, Schools and Families, the Housing Corporation and the Welsh Assembly already require BREEAM ratings of a certain level if they are involved in a project.

For more information on how to achieve BREEAM compliance, contact commercial property lawyer, Steve Petty, on 01926 629005.

Steve Petty, Commercial Property Lawyer

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