Posted: Friday, 5 March 2010 @ 11:09
After a long wait, the Consumer Code for Home Builders comes into force on 1 April. It will be mandatory for house builders who are members of a home warranty scheme which has undertaken to enforce the Code. Home warranty bodies such as NHBC, Premier Guarantee and LABCNew Home Warranty have all agreed to require their registered builders to adopt and comply with the Consumer Code.
I set out the main issues covered by the Code in
this ezine article in October 2008.The Code will apply to all plot reservations taken after 1 April. The Code applies to new and newly converted homes. It does not apply to sales of part exchange houses by builders, nor does it apply to sales by registered social landlords, and sales of homes built under an architect’s certificate rather than a new home warranty. The Code requires a builder who, by virtue of the adoption of the Code by its home warranty provider, is affected by it, to itself adopt the Code, to comply with it, to display the Code at its offices and salerooms, and to provide copies to home buyers who make a reservation on a property. The Code is supported by a guidance note (“Builder Guidance”) to assist house builders in complying with the Consumer Code.
For more information on how the Code might affect you and how to ensure compliance
contact Steve Petty for further advice.
Steven Petty, Commercial Property Solicitor For free advice on this topic please call us on 0845 003 5639.
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