Massive Court Fees hike in force 9 March 2015

Posted: Tuesday, 3 March 2015 @ 12:47

Back on 29 January I blogged on the massive court fees hike proposed by the government.

It was thought that in view of the consultation period and controversial nature of the hike that any proposals would not be in force for many months. But it seem that the government is hell bent on forcing through the increases, and we have just learnt that the increases will most likely take effect this Monday, 9 March.

The Law Society has written a pre-action protocol letter to the Ministry of Justice, seeking to challenge the lawfulness of the increases, which at worst are a 481% hike. But that will not stop the increases coming into force on 9 March.

So if anyone has a large claim looming it may be in their interests to issue a protective claim. For example, a claim for £301000.00 will now attract an issue fee of £1920.00, but from Monday it will be £10000.00!

If you have claim pending and proceedings have not been issued yet, take urgent legal advice.

I just worry that this is creating a legal system open to the very rich or the very poor, and will lead to injustice.

Nigel Musgrove
Business and Litigation Solicitor
Tel: 0845 003 5639

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